Industry News

  • Introduction and use of riot batons

    Introduction and use of riot batons

    1. What is a riot baton Riot batons are long sticks made of wood, rubber, plastic or metal. They are law enforcement tools carried by police officers, correctional officers, guards and military personnel. They are also the oldest police equipment for police officers. one. Compared with those leth...
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  • The structure and function of motorcycle helmets The importance of motorcycle helmets

    The structure and function of motorcycle helmets The importance of motorcycle helmets

    1. The structure and function of motorcycle helmets Motorcycle helmets look very simple, like a beautiful shell with some foam stuck inside, but it is not. Motorcycle helmets are high-tech products. It is a complex, multi-layered technical system consisting of five parts: outer shell, buffer laye...
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  • What is a Riot Shield?

    What is a Riot Shield?

    Riot shields are commonly used defense equipment for modern riot police. Its specific structure includes a shielding plate and a supporting plate. Most of the guard plates are convex arc or arc rectangle. The support plate is fixedly connected to the back of the guard plate through a connecting p...
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  • What is a riot helmet and precautions for wearing it

    What is a riot helmet and precautions for wearing it

    The most common riot helmet is the FBK-5L helmet, which is a police device used to protect police officers from blows to the head and face or other potential damage (such as spraying corrosive chemical liquids) while performing official duties. The shell is designed according to the riot helmet s...
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  • Military equipment of bulletproof vest

    Military equipment of bulletproof vest

    Bullet proof vest (bulletproof vest), also known as bullet proof vest, bulletproof vest, bullet proof suit, personal protective equipment, etc., is used to protect human body from damage caused by warhead or shrapnel. Composition The bulletproof vest is mainly composed o...
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